What Amerika Means
Walking down a street
Paved by your grandfather
Thinking about your future career
Plumber, barber, physician, rapper
Feeding self and family
Serving the people
Next minute all dreams extinguished
By Pig Wilson or Pig Zimmerman
Dragged all day on TV
Momma cryin’
Daddy sayin’ burn all this shit down
DeRay and Al makin’ money moves
News all confused
“What’s wrong with these people”
Tear gas.
Lovely cleansing fire.
Imagine your grandmother leaving her home
Long before day
To catch the bus to clean up somebody else mess
Cook somebody else food
Wash somebody else clothes
For a dime here and there
And old rags
No thanksgiving no Christmas
Your momma and daddy
Go to crumbling schools
Have you at 17 and 18
Do the same damn thing
Except they go do temp labor
Maybe prison labor
Three generations of violent rage
Except instead of taking it out on the man downtown
Or the man in Ladue or the man at the bank
Or the motherfucker at the police station
They take it out
On our own
With bottle, knife, pistol and acid
Are we fucked up?
Is Amerika fucked up?
Can you raise golden apples on a rotten tree?
Or should you set the tree on fire?
And all who climb the tree?
And all who planted the tree?
And all who eat from the tree?
Use your head
The same head that Malcolm used
That Huey used
That Kwame used
That George used
That Harriet used
That Assata used
That Elaine used
Put your heads together
Realize — violence is what Amerika means.
There is no rest for the righteous
There is no rest for those who want to build the new
There is no debate no argument no polemic
With Satan
He is his own advocate
The only solution
To violence
Is violence
This is what Amerika taught me.