The Sheep Can’t Rule the Panther.
Many people are engaging in various forms of self-delusion regarding the farce that was last night’s Democratic debate in Detroit, Michigan. As a revolutionary New Afrikan nationalist and Marxist-Leninist-Maoist with a well-deserved reputation for not mincing words, I can safely say that none of these people should be taken seriously by those with a vested interest in our liberation. Not one of them engaged with the revolutionary aspirations of our people. This is to be expected, they seek the office of the leader of the state that oppresses and destroys our people. Furthermore, the Democratic Party is a reactionary institution directly tied to the suffering of our people. Anyone who seeks to channel our revolutionary aspirations back into this reactionary apparatus is just as big an enemy as Donald Trump and the Ku Klux Klan. Mao spoke of assassins with pens and assassins with swords. The Democrats are both, and their helpmates in various so-called socialist organizations are assassins with pens. If your political position is not 100% against America in word and deed, you are a reactionary, not a socialist. Medicare for All and forgiveness of student loan debt are not appropriate prices for betrayal of the colonized proletariat.
People are debating the “strong” and “weak” showings of the various candidates. They ignore the fact that these debates are carefully rehearsed feats of acting. Everybody on that stage had the same interests in mind, the continued exploitation of our people and others the world over and the continuity of the American Empire which we were forced to build. None of them has any program or plan that is of benefit to our people’s basic interests. The two most prominent Black candidates in this field, Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, are disgraces to our people and are joined hand in glove with the reactionary elements of finance capital. The fact that people who call themselves socialists continue to engage seriously with these pathetic individuals, their watery and vacuous promises, and their inherent inability to see the writing on the wall for this despicable country show that the majority of the so-called Communist movement in the United States is full of fools who would much rather rehash ancient history, cheerlead and simultaneously betray international struggles against US imperialism, and are not capable of accomplishing the Communist task. This is unsurprising, considering that the majority of the so-Communist movement in the United States is comprised of colonizers who see Black people as tools and objects to sweep them to power so that they can play new slavemasters and continue to deny us our due, or LARPERs who think that they are Stalin come again. It remains to be seen whether these who call themselves Communists and claim that they are guided by the “correct line” will manifest that line in a real movement against capitalism-imperialism or continue playing with unloaded guns, writing pompous denunciations and tirades against other marginal sects that have no mass base or standing and who nobody would miss if the fascists swept them off the fact of the Earth, and generally blundering from failure to failure. If you don’t change according to your concrete situation, the concrete situation will change you, and chances are you won’t like it.
All of these elements are sheep. They ramble idly from one pasture to the other, grazing here and there, moving as the spirit strikes. They have no real concept of what must be done to accomplish the tasks of national and proletarian liberation, addressing climate change, defeating US imperialism, and safeguarding our scarce resources on a finite planet. They are not guided by any real political principles, nor do they care about anything besides their own personal self-aggrandizement and development. Such people are not qualified to lead the children of Huey P. Newton, Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, W.E.B. Du Bois, Fred Hampton, Assata Shakur, and countless other leading lights of our centuries long revolutionary struggle. By what right do we whose ancestors liberated ourselves from bondage with fire and swords take direction from such as Bernie Sanders? By what right must the living incarnation of Fred Hampton, who was so dangerous that this country murdered him in his sleep, listen to the grandchildren of the cops that killed him as to why our revolutionary struggle is invalid? Who is Elizabeth Warren to a descendant of an unbroken thread of healers, revolutionary fighters, maroons and artists? What is DSA to we who plotted bloody revenge in many a hollow and swamp in secret? What right do these colonizers of whatever political tendency have to dictate and talk about us as if they are not a dying class soon to be rightfully and mercilessly swept from power? If they were smart, they would be preparing for the eventual downfall and destruction of this country and thinking about how they would be of service to those who will build a new and better world on the ashes. Panthers eat sheep, we don’t vote for them.