Reparations are Won With Blood and Bullets.

Black Like Mao
5 min readJun 19, 2019


New Afrikan people had the supreme displeasure of watching our people’s greatest so-called “intellectuals” scrape and bow before Massa’s Congress this week. The descendants of the enslaved Afrikans who built the Capitol, the White House, the Supreme Court, all of these other great edifices, people who have as Chairman Fred said, “more degrees than a thermometer”, lecturing the likes of Mitch McConnell as to why this country should pay us reparations. Perhaps both parties should visit Mao’s military theory and world history to realize the utter shamefulness and ridiculousness of this pathetic display. There have been bills for reparations for Afrikan people in Congress for damn near 50 years, none of advanced. This country has not even paid a token apology for the sins it committed against our people, and continues to commit.

Reparations are not secured by people, intellectuals and organizations, negotiating and begging. If such a bill for “reparations” is passed by this reactionary state apparatus, the masses of black people will not benefit. The beneficiaries will be the likes of sellouts such as Jesse Jackson, Ben Jealous and Al Sharpton, those who have made their peace with the reactionary establishment and are eager to parlay the supposed benefits that will accrue to our people as a result of this reactionary handout from the most evil regime in human memory into wealth and power for themselves. Everything has a class basis and class stand. The upper echelons of the Black bourgeoisie and their intelligentsia sitting down with the forces of settler-imperialist capital in a building built by the hands of our enslaved and imported proletariat is a farce. Neither have the interests of the masses of New Afrikan people at heart. The settler-imperialists seek to buy henchmen among our communities to sate our rage and control our movements. It is the duty of New Afrikan Communists and organizations that we lead to reject these farces and expose them to the people for what they really are. Furthermore, we must continue to promote, struggle for, and develop Marxism-Leninism-Maoism with New Afrikan characteristics and build up a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist-Maoist Party to channel the forces of our people’s rage towards revolution in our time.

Where do reparations come from? Many people see them as being a check taken from the pocket of every single settler in the United States. This is a vulgarization and bastardization of the concept. This country as a whole owes us for the crimes it has committed against our people since its inception. All of Europe owes the people of Africa and the Diaspora for the crimes that it is committing and has committed resulting in massive loss of life, stifling of the development process, and massive loss of cultural heritage, destruction of the environment, and general havoc and disruption. None of these things can be remedied with a check. Even if every settler of whatever class in this country emptied their wallets and bank accounts to the closest New Afrikan person, that would not even begin to address the damage that was done not only to us, but to our indigenous/mestizo comrades, our Asian comrades, and our comrades in Puerto Rico. This is not a question of individual grievances or pointing the finger or hounding individual settlers for this and that, we all know who the enemy is. This is a struggle against a machine, a system, that has systematically wrung us dry and produced tangible and intangible dividends to the descendants of colonizers. This is also not a question of some mythical revolution where every colonized person will get a gun, go out on the street to the sound of a horn, and start shooting. Securing reparations is the process of building, step by step, brick by brick, an unbreachable revolutionary fortress, a machine to counter the machine, rooted in the masses of our people and inseparable from them and their most basic interests. Reparations, in short, is the destruction of the country that enslaved our ancestors and subjected us as a nation to the most cruel and dreadful conditions. It is the destruction, root and branch, of the machine that continues to grind us and steal our joy. It is not a few dozen bills with colonizers’ faces on it, deposited in an account in WellsFargo, Bank of America, or another colonizer bank that exploits and steals what little wealth we have. And it is certainly not the likes of Ta-Nehisi Coates lecturing turtle settler Mitch McConnell on what he already knows as a settler from the South. They’ve feared our uprising since the day we stepped off the boat. Even if McConnell were rightfully driven from his seat in the Capitol we built and flayed alive as he should be, that would not be the sum total of what we need. That would be very good television and a very good start, however.

The only hope for securing real reparations is to build our Communist Party, our People’s Army, and our United Front. Nothing else, history has shown, has been sufficient for an oppressed and exploited people to really stand society right side up. The forces of the colonizers with their MRAPs, Abrams, drones, F-16s, and other such machinery will not be destroyed with idle parlays with them, or with emotional riots, or with killing a few of them here and there. They will be replaced in a day. What is needed is a party, a General Headquarters, that controls and wields armed force and is ever growing and learning from the mistakes of the past. From strategic defensive to strategic stalemate to strategic offensive, on through to victory. The decolonization of land and minds by force and revolutionary people’s state power. The freedom of the lands, the minds, the means of production, and the people, for all time, through this force, by this Party which represents the interests of the masses in their hundreds of millions. This is what is required of we who are seriously interested in the realization of true revenge for our ancestors and a life free of want and suffering for our progeny.



Black Like Mao
Black Like Mao

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