On Respectability Politics Left and Right

Black Like Mao
4 min readDec 26, 2017

There’s a nasty habit of assimilationism and desire to be accepted by European dominated formations, individuals, and institutions on both the Left and on the Right. Both are motivated by opportunism and selfishness. You have so little dignity and pride in yourself and your people that you’ll lay up with crackers for a few dollars. On the Right, we see black people such as Omarosa and David Clarke (the Idi Amin of Wisconsin) adopting and integrating themselves into reactionary movements to become accepted and feted. If you’re black and you’re stupid enough to sit your cotton picking ass down with Donald Trump, when he calls you a nigger to your face, you get exactly what you deserve. White people do not respect you, like you, or value your opinion. You’re a token. They’ll toss you money and you’ll jump around like a trained dog in front of a camera before they dump your ass when you break line. That’s what you get for letting another group of people use your empty head for money. We cannot assimilate en masse into this shit because America was built on our backs and against the material interests of the masses of our people. There is no assimilation with the enemy. White, as constructed in the United States, is the polar opposite of black. It was constructed in opposition to black and black means slave, proletarian, sharecropper, prisoner. This means revolution. If you are black and you do not participate in the revolution of your people and the project to destroy America, you are a damn fool. This goes for all sectors, excepting the highest bourgeoisie and the comprador class, people like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and DeRay McKesson. These are obstacles, stumbling blocks, follies. If the white man puts you on television, you are an enemy of your people. House slaves, despised and hated by both black and white alike.

Furthermore, white people don’t trust you. Why should they? They know the revolutionary potential of our people, that’s why they fuck us over and seek to throw wrenches into our plans. Redneck Revolt gallivanting around with mommy’s guns is not a threat, the Black Panther Party patrolling the police was, however. White people, as white people, are not, never have been, never will be revolutionary in this country and white formations claiming to be revolutionary are 99% of the time the exact opposite. Why bother? If the Feds get them, it’s because they stick their necks out by doing stupid shit, Black people don’t have to stick our necks out. We get killed for nothing. “Black identity extremists”, an FBI developed term to tag everybody from Black Lives Matter to the damn Nation of Islam (and oddly similar to the label “Black Identity Opportunist” that the cracker-Maoists and uncle Toms/tío Tomases that for whatever reason follow them tagged on me for roasting too many goofy ass RGA “cadres”) are who are currently on the chopping block because we are and always have been the number one security threat to the internal security and stability of this country. We are who they fear.

There were house slaves back during the slavery era, the revolutionary minded ones poisoned entire families of slave owners, leaked news to the field slaves, stole, broke tools, set fires, and generally made as many messes as they could before getting caught. This was to be expected, because slaves have no interest in doing anything but. The stupid ones were those who, as Malcolm X said eloquently many years ago, aligned themselves with the material interests of the master class, and carried the master’s lines to the slave quarters. The revolutionary slaves massacred these along with their masters and other whites during uprisings, rightfully so. There’s a lot of Left and Right respectibility politicians who will get the same treatment, again, rightfully so.

One of the major impediments to the development of the revolutionary movement in this country is that Black people, for whatever reason, continue to allow non-black people, mainly white, to dictate and set line for us. We’re too respectable, meek, kind, and humble. I’m a brash, arrogant, rude, abrasive ass dude and I’m going to stay that way. When you hear non-black people saying stupid shit, call them on it. If they don’t listen or puff up or threaten you, curse them out or lay them out. Split their dusty ass counterrevolutionary organizations. If there is an organization you are in that does nothing for black people and victimizes us, destroy it if it doesn’t actively work to change. Actively work to seize positions of leadership, promote un-apologetically Black lines, and isolate or purge people with white-excusing, white explaining lines from the movement. Take over all you can get hold to. They do it. Politics is a power game, and in the US, it is in many instances a “skin game”, as Malcolm X again said. For all the talk against identity politics, it’s a reality of life. Redneck Revolt is white identity politics. If someone calls you a “reverse racist”, an “anti-Semite”, a “black fascist”, ask them to explain, with evidence. If they try to wave theory over your head, ask them why they haven’t applied the theory and why it’s not a material force among their people. Someone runs down Mao, you run down Malcolm X. Someone quotes Marx, you quote RF Williams. Learn your own people’s history. White people have no revolutionary history on this continent, so yes, we have them beat. Is whiteness a sin? Yes, it is, the biggest one in human history, bigger than Genghis Khan and Attila the Hun put together. Are they guilty? Do they commit crimes against our people every day? Yes, they do. What can they do to not be guilty? Stop committing crimes. White people love playing with words. Play with words better. If they cannot explain and argue their lines well, laugh in their faces. If their lines are wrong and their criticism is shit, ignore and mock them. Stop being so damn respectable for fuck’s sake, stop allowing white people to run shit and then complaining that nothing gets done about anti-blackness in the movement. Send the bastards to the cotton field.

