Of Course Russia Didn’t Meddle in the 2016 Election, You Softheaded Morons.
Once again, white liberal America has shit the bed. A year or so spent following every aspect of the Robert Mueller investigation have, unsurprisingly, translated into jack shit in the grand scheme of things. A year or so wasted. While they were obsessing and following every move of the FBI, Congress, Robert Mueller, and hoping for impeachment in vain while trying to impose a pro-American, pacifist line on the nascent revolutionary movement, Trump’s people were unleashing a hail of violence against enemies ranging from the mainstream bourgeois media, to antifascist protesters in Charlottesville, to prospective Democratic presidential candidates. What liberals fail to realize is that that while they place their hopes in the workings and machinations of the liberal wing of the imperialists, the right is learning from their mistakes and committing acts of reactionary fascist violence that can only be countered by acts of revolutionary violence. Blow-for-blow and strengthening our forces for the offensive against all reaction, state and non-state — this is what Communists have been building for. Instead of doing a cold analysis of the facts and recognizing that the times we live in are gearing up for an explosion, they continue to sit in their little coffee-shop bubbles and pray to the Devil for reprieve. Yes, the FBI is the devil. It seeks to put me and people like me under lock and key. It murdered our best and brightest leaders in the 1960s and 1970s. Martin Luther King, Jr., Fred Hampton, Sr., H. Rap Brown, Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Turé), Paul Robeson, Claudia Jones, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X, Assata Shakur, Afeni Shakur, Tupac Shakur, all of our heroes have been relentlessly hounded and in many instances murdered by the FBI. They are not our friends. They have no interest in offering us any semblance of reprieve or support. They sat and watched as informant reports from the Ku Klux Klan about acts of violence planned for Civil Rights workers in Mississippi came in and did nothing to stop them. The only thing that has defended black people in the United States has been our own arms, our own unity, our own security culture, our own carefulness. Nothing else. Not the police, not the FBI. Until you get this through your head, you will not be able to unite with the revolutionary movement being built by black people in this country.
The New Afrikan nation is the storm center of all revolutionary activity in this country. All revolutionary theory that is most applicable to concrete conditions in our country comes and flows through us. A look at the myriad of white left sects that have existed in many instances for years yet have not moved us any further towards revolution — instead turning into sad, pathetic, toothless protest cults or ultraleft abominations ripe for FBI infiltration and entrapment (remember, the FBI wanted Weather Underground to take over SDS because their adventurism made it easier to destroy). The Black Panthers were dangerous not because of the simple fact that they had guns but because of the mass base that was defended with these guns. Without the people, all the guns in the world are no good — guns without the people is fascism. Aaron Dixon discusses in My People Are Rising how the Party developed a base area, defended by weapons, in Seattle and even the Mayor was forced to side with them to avoid the wrath of the Black masses. The New Afrikan nation, the most revolutionary elements, the semi-proletariat, the proletariat, and the lumpen/proletariat, do not care about the machinations of the bourgeoisie, the hand-wringing of white liberals and pseudo-leftists, and the horrible lines that they trade in gentrified bars and coffee-shops that we don’t even patronize.
The New Afrikan nation is interested in developing our political unity around a revolutionary, Pan-Afrikan, socialist political program and platform. The New Afrikan nation is concerned about wringing reparations out of this country by wringing its neck. The New Afrikan nation is interested in studying Mao, Marx, Lenin, Newton, Rodney, Turé, Nkrumah, Sison, and other revolutionaries that, when synthesized and developed to our concrete conditions, will help us seek bloody recompense for 400 years of depredation and suffering. Yes, this is very personal for all of us. Everytime we see a sister getting kicked around in Dallas by some gentrifying settler, or a young brother selling mixtapes in Atlanta, the de facto capital of our nation, getting brutally arrested by pig-police, our minds don’t turn to “What the FBI can do for us”, or “what can white liberals do for us”. Every thinking black person, when they see these atrocities, instinctively thinks of revenge and looks askance at the nearest settler, because while these things are happening, they sit back and watch but do no political work in their own communities to stop these things — instead they wait for us to riot to come either with their messages of social peace or wait for us to start burning shit to come preach the words of Fred Hampton and Mao — words we already instinctively know and don’t need any white people to filter through their own skewed, distorted and cracked lens for their own opportunistic (read — settler-colonial interests). We are not interested in unity with white people, as individuals or as a class, unless they have thoroughly purged all white-supremacist and settler colonial thinking from their minds or are willing to put themselves under our political leadership to do so. If you don’t believe me, engage in a conversation with an average black worker — that is, if they trust you.
Russia did not need to intervene in the 2016 election. If anything, the average Russian is sitting in a Khrushchev era apartment block laughing at how the “liberal wing” of the American ruling class is blaming their country for their own stupidity. Trump won because most white people in the United States, “working class” and otherwise (fascism is an ideology of class collaboration) are racist as fuck because racism is in their material interests. These are adults, they aren’t brainwashed, they know which side their bread is buttered on and where their money comes from. That’s how they can take government benefits, farm subsidies, etc. with one hand and ask the government to bring back their long gone steel jobs with one hand and denounce the “black welfare mother” myth with the other. Trump told them what they wanted to hear, hence he received their support. This is the same reasoning that gave birth to Father Coughlin, Huey Long, George Wallace, and other right-populists in the 20th Century. This is why the white working class sent David Duke, former KKK Grand Wizard, to the Louisiana statehouse. Quit lying to yourselves, talk to your own damn people instead of talking down to us, and maybe, just maybe, there will be some hope for your vindication and avoiding being swept into the dustbin of history like the Rhodesians and Boers. Or, don’t. Continue engaging in infantilization and condescension and falling over your own untied shoelaces. My people gon’ be alright. Yours, not so much.