Cracker Control > Gun Control

Black Like Mao
7 min readFeb 19, 2018
Wounded Knee. An attempt to enforce gun control on the indigenous people of this continent.

Yet another fascist has shot up a school. He did this because he was a fascist and that’s what fascists do. Unlike the simpering, whimpering liberal politics centered around moral persuasion, petitions, voting and other such ineffective horseshit, the praxis of fascism is violence. The most reactionary rule by the most reactionary, grasping elements of capital. It can be best summed up by one of its ideologues, Benito Mussolini — “Our political platform is to smash the heads of the Socialists”. Fascism is an ideology of violence that dashes everything out of its way, from the simpering liberal to other, less right wing fascists (see Strasserism) to the crumbling foundations of Western liberal democracy. The United States, from the point of view of Black people, has always been a fascist country. We have always been forced to defend ourselves from the most reactionary, most cruel, most vicious elements of the trash that makes up the European element of this country’s population. The only thing that can stop fascism is Communism, as proven through history. It was Communists that defeated Nazi Germany, it was Communists that defeated Japan in China, it was Communists that are currently stomping the shit out of the fascist Duterte in the Philippines. Cruz was a fascist, his act was a typical act from a white male who realized that their position in this world is slipping and they have no place secured simply by the color of their skin anymore. That’s done. So, they can either become Communists and join the rest of us scum in turning the world upside down, or they can fight to hold on to their rapidly eroding place as spoiled kings dining at a goodie trough full of other people’s shit that just so happens to be rapidly running dry. In essence, become fascists. He chose the latter. If he were in a socialist state, he’d already have been taken out and shot like Fanya Kaplan (the right Socialist “Revolutionary” that tried to murder Lenin). But since we live in a crumbling bourgeois dictatorship/imperialist state that relies on people like Cruz to keep afloat and fight the wars for them, we have been treated to a wave of sympathetic horseshit on the right and a wave of stupid calls for “gun control” on the liberal left.

Black Panther Party cadre marching at the California State Capitol Building, Sacramento, 1967.

Stop it. I and no other black person in the United States feel a whit of sympathy for Cruz. We are the most oppressed people in society, and have been from the beginning, second only to the indigenous who were seen as simply being in the way and systematically exterminated. We built the foundation of this country for nothing, were “freed”, had a taste of bourgeois-democratic revolution during Reconstruction, and then were driven back into the shit during the later part of the 1800s. We still in the shit. Still last hired, first fired, still worse paid despite whatever education we’re allowed to get, still most incarcerated, still most likely to be killed by the police. I’m not forgetting that this murderer of 17 human beings was taken in alive while brother Eric Garner was choked to death by a pig (who walked free) for selling loose cigarettes. I’m not forgetting Sandra Bland, Emmett Till, Mike Brown, Vonderrit Myers, Kiwi Herring, or countless other black men, women, nonbinary people, girls and boys murdered by white police officers or white vigilantes. With guns. Perhaps if they had guns, the playing field would have been equal. Stop talking about gun control. The only reason you’re talking about gun control is because your own kids get shot and you realize that it’s not going to impact white people by and large. Ours get shot, you talk about darky control, more prisons, more pigs (with guns!) in the street, more this, more that. More violence. We don’t shoot up schools, yet there are many many guns in our communities, and we have sob stories that are miles and miles longer than Cruz’s. That’s a contradiction.

White men are spoiled. They’re conditioned into a society, an imperialist society, that tells them that they are the best of the best, that they are entitled to do whatever they please. In America, white men are free to embezzle billions of dollars, lie, cheat, steal, kill, and do all sorts of things that if I or any other black person did, would have ended us up in prison for life. Can a black person kill a white person in self defense? Remember OJ? Remember how mad white people were? Think about how many whites have killed blacks and not even been arrested! So, when things don’t go their way, they lash out, grab a weapon, and murder random people. This is the sign of a people in crisis, who are rapidly coming to terms with the fact that they are losing shit that they were never entitled to in the first place, and are now lashing out. This is the root cause of Cruz, Klebold, Harris, and other white mass murderers’ errors. We see that they embrace fascism because fascism is the ideology of the white man that feels that he is “dying” and seeks to preserve his “strength”. Obsession with physical violence, weapons, abusing women (Cruz was a serial abuser), hatred of minority elements, all of these things go hand in glove with fascism. How can we control it? For one, we need to actively combat and fight against fascism on all fronts, ideological, political, and physical if need be. Every black person who is capable should be in possession of a weapon and be able to use it, because our enemies are. Second, we should be aware of behaviors displayed by white men that mark a shooter in the making. Domestic abuse, repeated expressions of hatred of people who have done nothing to them, constant discussion of murder, killing and violence, these are not healthy manifestations or behaviors and these things should be noted.

Gun control. It’s not happening. You’re not disarming the most armed people in the history of the world. Would you want to be one of the people assigned the task of going door to door asking “Hello, Mr. Cracker, can I see your stock of firearms?” How do ATF agents raid houses? Exactly. Stop asking for it. I don’t want to be riding along one day, pulled over by a cop, get mouthy, get the shit beaten out of me, and then have a gun that has killed someone planted in my vehicle. Because of your stupid gun control laws, now I get to go to a concentration camp for life, because I’ve been marked as a Black Identity Extremist. I literally have a video on a YouTube channel titled “If the US Attacks North Korea, I Hope It Loses”. I’ve written pieces that say that it would be a good thing for the US government to be overthrown. Ok, you put two and two together. Why were gun control laws passed? Because white people cared about the safety and sanctity of human life? The people who massacred millions of indigenous people and brought millions more Africans to this country to work for free? No, on the contrary, these laws were passed to disarm Africans and Indians who in many parts of the country outnumbered the white settlers and had a thousand reasons to kill them all off. That’s why gun control laws were passed. After the Civil War, the sight of a black soldier, armed, was enough for a white lynch mob to gather. The US Army disarmed indigenous people. Wounded Knee was an attempt to disarm the Miniconjou and Hunkpapa Lakota in South Dakota. A deaf man refused to give up his gun, it accidentally discharged, and the soldiers cut them down, killing between 150–300 people. A black man in Texas was arrested and a copy of Negroes With Guns by R.F. Williams was seized as “evidence”. Negroes With Guns, as evidence! The Black Panther Party was ruled a great threat, the greatest threat, to this country’s security because it had the gun, it fought the police when they started shit, and because, most importantly, it had a mass base. Fred Hampton was shot to death in his bed in front of his pregnant wife because he was a militant black person, who spoke of revolution, who realized that political power came from the gun wielded by the party, and who dared to organize his people and put an end to fratricidal gang violence. Ronald Reagan, of all people, supported gun control after the rise of the Panthers. In 1967, he said:

Americans don’t go around carrying guns with the idea they’re using them to influence other Americans. There’s no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons.

So the real purpose (or effect) of the passing of these various laws that disproportionately impact and harm black people who have chosen to arm themselves per their Constitutional “right” is to control the rise of black political movements that are revolutionary in line and practice and to generate more prison slaves for America’s insatiable appetite for free or near-free labor and massive profits. If they can’t get it from the Third World abroad, they’ll get it from the Third World here. I’m not knocking the kids who lived through this shooting for demanding more regulation of guns, of course, because that’s just callous. They’ll be traumatized for the rest of their lives. But this is a bit of history for the opportunist liberals who have forgotten history or who, in the back of their minds, fear the consequences of an armed black populace that has decided that it is not going to keep being prey to George Zimmermans and Darren Wilsons…and Nikolas Cruzes. Think before you make demands. Control yourselves, not us. We good.

